Interaction Design
structed by Keith Owens
Fall 2018
In collaboration with Chelcy Reynoso & Kenna Holcomb
Leaping Bunny works with companies to help make shopping for animal-friendly products easier and more trustworthy. We’ve created a platform for users to not only purchase animal-friendly makeup products with ease but also interact within a community.
My partners and I portioned out the work on this project evenly among ourselves. I was responsible for the team's schedule, keeping us on task to be sure we hit our goals on time. I also focused on the content and design of the survey and profile portions of the website, the design of the icon system, and the animation of the Leaping Bunny logo.
Meet Cathy
Cathy wants to go cruelty-free, but its hard for her to switch from her go-to brands. She feels like there aren’t enough options, and that they lack the quality she’s used to. Cathy wants an easy way to find trustworthy, quality brands.
To create a user experience that is easy to navigate and engage in, we’ve designed a website that gives Cathy the ability to navigate through the features with ease.
A collection of animal-friendly make-up products organized by Cathy’s own filter preferences, and an in-depth view of her chosen product and its details.
Quick View
With Quick View, Cathy can easily find the products she wants online, in-store, or save
them to her favorites for later.
Cathy can take a short survey about her make-up preferences to receive a variety of custom product recommendations and discover her soon-to-be new favorite make-up products based off of her survey results.
Save and Share
Creating a profile lets Cathy save her favorite products and looks, interact within a community, and receive custom product recommendations
The community feature allows Cathy to have a unique experience and be involved within a beauty community where she can chat with fellow users, watch tutorials on the latest trends, and view inspiring new looks.
We’ve created an authentic brand that reflects the essence of Leaping Bunny by using a distinctive logo, playful colors, stylish floral patterns, and tasteful type to create a harmonious style.